Monday, June 25, 2012

Live show #10: Fight Amp at Charm City Art Space

I did not originally intend to attend this show, but my show with Xozo got shut down, so I headed over to Charm City Art Space. These circumstances unfortunately caused me to miss most of the bands, including the amazing Multicult, whose live performances always seem to evade me.

I arrived during the beginning of Pfisters' set.* They played competent, punky noise rock. Their set was a little lengthy but they included a cover of Agent Orange's "Bloodstains" (you might recognize it from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4) which was fun.           

Fight Amp were the headliners, one of my favorites. Practically every time I've seen them they've had a new lineup. Tonight was no exception, with a new drummer in the fold (who made his shitty frankenstein kit sound great). Even though Fight Amp have a new album coming out and a better, more recent one, they heavily favored their first album, Hungry for Nothing. I like that album a lot, but I've heard them play those songs many times; it would have been nice to hear some stuff from the underrated Manners and Praise. Still, it's a shame more people didn't show up; Fight Amp's sound and delivery were exceptional. Be sure to catch 'em next time!


*I greatly regret posting a myspace link, but this seems to be their only web presence.

Listen/Download the show:

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